Kendinden Emişli Santrifüj Pompalar

Self-Priming pumps are designed to have the ability to prime themselves automatically, when operating under a suction lift, to free themselves of entrained gas, without losing their prime, and to continue normal pumping without attention.

Liquid Primed Self-Priming Pumps

Water primed self priming pumps must have a priming chamber (integral or separate) that must be filled with liquid in order to for the pump to "self prime". Without this initial liquid charge, a water primed self-priming pump will not prime or pump. They generally work by disturbing the air bubble blocking the impeller suction eye, and stripping off the dislodged air with the volute tongue, which operates very close to the impeller outside diameter (much closer than for a typical centrifugal pumps). The stripped air, being much lighter than the liquid, will float to the top, while the liquid falls back into the pump casing. If the attached discharge piping does not allow this separated air to escape out to the down-stream discharge pipe system, a bypass line may be required to evacuate it.

As the air is evacuated from the pump, it generates a vacuum in the suction pipe, which after a short period of time (dependent on the suction pipe size, static lift, and any air leakage) should prime the pump, and establish full liquid flow. Excessive priming times, more than about 10 minutes, could, however, cause the liquid charge in the pump to vaporize before priming is achieved, causing damage to the pump.
Liquid Primed Self-Priming Pumps

Water primed self priming pumps must have a priming chamber (integral or separate) that must be filled with liquid in order to for the pump to "self prime". Without this initial liquid charge, a water primed self-priming pump will not prime or pump. They generally work by disturbing the air bubble blocking the impeller suction eye, and stripping off the dislodged air with the volute tongue, which operates very close to the impeller outside diameter (much closer than for a typical centrifugal pumps). The stripped air, being much lighter than the liquid, will float to the top, while the liquid falls back into the pump casing. If the attached discharge piping does not allow this separated air to escape out to the down-stream discharge pipe system, a bypass line may be required to evacuate it.

As the air is evacuated from the pump, it generates a vacuum in the suction pipe, which after a short period of time (dependent on the suction pipe size, static lift, and any air leakage) should prime the pump, and establish full liquid flow. Excessive priming times, more than about 10 minutes, could, however, cause the liquid charge in the pump to vaporize before priming is achieved, causing damage to the pump.
Self-Priming Pumps

Self-Priming pumps are designed to have the ability to prime themselves automatically, when operating under a suction lift, to free themselves of entrained gas, without losing their prime, and to continue normal pumping without attention.
Altınova Mah. Yeni Yalova Yolu Cad.
BUTTIM Ticaret Merkezi. E Blok Kt. 4 No: 1314
Osmangazi - BURSA - TÜRK
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